• Date : 29 September 2023
  • Time : 5 min
Viatgem al futur per descobrir l'ecosistema escandinau

It's been a few days since we returned from the prospecting trip of 2023... And what a trip!

During the mission, we attended the TechBBQ, one of the great unknowns in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation events. A space where the Danish 'hygge' is really transmitted in a perfect organization and a high level of exhibiting startups and the presentations made. 🧘🏻‍♀️

In addition, we were able to share impressions about what tourism will be like in 2050, where startups and more traditional companies are aiming for a digital, technological and, above all, sustainable future, while adapting trips to the real needs of customers.

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Finally, we discovered the Hub for Innovation in Tourism where, different Danish institutions, bet on collaboration to enhance the strongest areas of each institution to create a network and a solid and powerful innovation ecosystem, which allows them position themselves as great candidates to lead a quality tourism sector in the future.

And yes, we also had time to have a good time, connect with the other attending companies and create links to enhance synergies between all of them!

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Xavier Garcia

Cluster Manager

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