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Would you like to join Tech Tourism Cluster?

Would you like to join Tech Tourism Cluster?

Our organization keeps growing and we are increasingly representative of the entire  chain value of the tourism sector linked to technology.

It is important to have a large volume of members, all with the aim of enhancing contacts, projects and synergies between all those who are part of this initiative.

If you want to be part of the cluster, fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.


We are committed to the development of the sector through activities focused on open innovation


We share relevant knowledge in order to provide added value to the members of the organization


We work to develop the talent of the future, betting on collaboration with universities and training schools

Reports and trends

We provide content on statistical data and market trends to anticipate the future of the tourism sector


We interact with members in order to promote synergies and be able to expand their network of contacts


We organize workshops, bootcamps and training activities on very specific topics

Congresses and trade fairs

We are present at the main international events, fairs and congresses around the world


We travel to learn, to be inspired and to detect new emerging markets with outstanding commercial potential

Institutional relations

We communicate and help to apply fo lines of funds and subsidies, maintaining direct contact with the administration and the main institutions of the territory

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