Jornada "Tecnologia aplicada al Turisme" amb el Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud

From the Tech Tourism Cluster we join forces and form a community by connecting with the colleagues of the Southern ICT Cluster to celebrate a joint day where we can discuss the technology applied to our sector. 

During the day, we will be located in the south of Catalonia, where we will have the opportunity to discover more about both clusters as well as hold a debate with expert representatives of each entity, all with the aim of discovering the challenges and opportunities with the applicability of technology in the tourism sector and share success stories and good practices that already exist.

The aim of the session will be to be able to define joint lines of action where we can join forces in order to continue developing our sector.

Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with the representative members of the Southern ICT Cluster!




11:00h - 13:00h
