

News from Tech Tourism Cluster

Technology guardians in the tourism industry: Qualla Kids and their innovative contribution to the Tech Tourism Cluster

*Content created and provided by Smart Travel News Interview as part of the series of talks with Smart Travel News. Every Monday you can discover much more of the Tech Tourism Cluster ecosystem through a series of conversations with our partners

We are present in ANATO Colombia together with 5 companies

While following the entity's internationalization plan, the Tech Tourism Cluster participates in its first commercial mission together with 5 of its members, with the aim of internationalizing in the Latin American market

The next big technological revolution will be in the travel sector

The Tech Tourism Cluster and FutureTravel are celebrating the second edition of Traveltech Connect with the aim of giving visibility to Catalonia's entrepreneurial tourism ecosystem

PeeK'in and its contribution to innovative development in the Tech Tourism Cluster

Interview as part of the series of talks with Smart Travel News. Every Monday you can discover much more of the Tech Tourism Cluster ecosystem through a series of conversations with our partners

We participate in FITUR Madrid together with 5 innovative companies

The Tech Tourism Cluster, together with 5 representatives of our organization, shared a stand at one of the leading tourism fairs

Exploring the tourism future with Hospitalidad Emprendedora

Interview as part of the series of talks with Smart Travel News. Every Monday you can discover much more of the Tech Tourism Cluster ecosystem through a series of conversations with our partners

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